Welcome to the personal page. This is where you can see pictures, and read up on the 'personal' side of timx. (not like anyone REALLY wants to see this) Be warned tho, complicated people make for complicated web pages.




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If you wish to view pictures of DJ TIMX Click here.(no nudes available)

There are many activities that DJ TIMX partakes in. If you wish to call them "hobbies" so be it. Howver, DJ TIMX takes things a little more seriously than that. He would prefer to call them, "Ambitions". He, obviously, enjoys music, and spinning records. His tastes do not totally lean twards techno, rave, house. He also enjoys his fare share of Jungle, Rock n Roll, Classic Rock.. and even sometimes classical. Obviously, being the son of a music teacher he has been able to learn to enjoy all music forms (except country) for, if nothing else, the talant that it took to create such audio pleasure.

But there is much more to DJ TIMX than just music. He currently works full time as a QC/QA tech, in a laboratory playing with asphault. He has worked with much more than just asphault. DJ TIMX has also worked in a lab with soil, on the fiield with soil, and the same for concrete. Currently employed by a company based out of Vernon Hills Illinois, and stationed at a jobsite at O'Hare International Airport, He finds himself with very little time to get out and do things. Mind you, It is currently construction season. Worked up to 60 or 70 hours a week in this buisness is not uncommon this time of year.

DJ TIMX also LOVES fishing. He finds peace and serenity within the atmisphere that is provided by the act of fishing. He also finds excitement in it, see 'Outback FIshing' on the 'Fun Stuff' Page.

It's no suprise to most who know DJ TIMX that he very much loves SNOWBOARDING. Again, refer to the FunStuff page. Altho everyone would prefer to ride out west all the time, it's not always possible. However, all around DJ TIMX'S top pick of places to go riding (that he's been to) iwould definatly be PARK CITY UTAH or WINTER PARK COLORADO. Of course, we should mention that DJ TIMX was a skiier for over 10 years before taking up snowboarding.

On more than one occasion DJ TIMX has found himself hanging from a crane with a glorified rubberband tied to his ankles. I think they call this 'bungy jumping' or somthing. Claiming to be the biggest rush you'll ever feel, he aspires to do it again, maybe in more extream circumstances.

While on the subject of doing insain things for adrenalyn rushes, lets talk about the one act that DJ TIMX hasn't done that he swears he will do. JUMP OUT OF AN AIRPLANE. Can we say crazy? DJ TIMX can....
