This is the web page of dj timx. Aka Timx, (that would be me) and these are all just opinions, and facts about me, and things I'm "into"

If you find anything within these pages offensive, then you may rightly go away. In this country we have a rite to freedom of speech, and you cannot take that away from any of us.

The whole "rave" thing has a very bad reputation with drugs, however, asfar as anyone associated with this web page is concerned, it's all about the music. All about the music. This page does not, is not, never has been, never will be used to promote the use of drugs. This is a point that timx would like to get across to everyone and anyone who visits this page, being that I has lost many friends to drugs.

Once again, if you, or anyone you know, thinks you shouldn't be looking at the page - think for yourself and dont blame me for what might happen to you, for none of us are responsible for you, your kids, your fucking parents, or any of the actions of the formentioned.